This is how the EcoClean™ coating works.
Under the incidence of sunlight, the light-sensitive titanium dioxide coating of Reynobond®|Reynolux® with EcoClean™ acts as a catalyst, even in conditions of low humidity. When sunlight strikes a molecule of titanium dioxide, this excites the electrons inside the molecule, causing them to be promoted to a higher energy state. The charged electrons transfer their excess energy to moisture in the air, forming two free radicals, OH∙ (a hydroxyl radical) and O2- (superoxide anions). These free radicals act as oxidising agents on any organic material, both on the panel surface and in its vicinity.
At the same time as engaging in this process of breaking down pollutants, the titanium dioxide coating forms a superhydrophilic (water-attracting) and extremely smooth surface. This is caused by the oxygen-empty cells on the surface of the coating. The deficit is initially made up by water being absorbed on the surface to form TiOH. However, there is no droplet formation; a thin layer is produced instead. Once the free oxygen superanions and hydroxyl radicals have broken up the harmful substances and dirt into their individual constituents, the decomposed organic material or smog will be washed off the surface in the presence of rain water. This is how the aluminium cladding keeps cleaning itself time after time.
EcoClean™ in detail
- Under the influence of sunlight, a photoelectric effect in the titanium dioxide layer results in the creation of available energy from electrons.
- This energy from electrons creates free oxygen superanions and hydroxyl radicals that lead to the breakdown of organic substances.
- The superhydrophilic properties come from the increase in surface energy caused by the electrons. The surface attracts humidity with the result that no drops are formed, but a thin layer instead.
- The harmful substances that have been broken down slide off this smooth surface or are simply washed to the bottom by rain.